Rancho Luna Beach Cienfuegos
Many visitors to Cuba are overwhelmed at just how unauthentic places like Varadero have become. Almost completely devoid of that “Cubaness” you went to Cuba in the first place to experience. Rancho Luna Beach in Cienfuegos is however different, since it seems to encapsulate this whole “cubaism” we all search in Cuba, in one small stretch of sand. It’s very local, not too touristic and this shows because young Cuban mothers are bathing their children here and, old Cubans are reading novels while you swim. The beach also has lifeguards, which is pretty rare at national beaches in Cuba. The rocky coast beyond the beach is ideal for snorkeling and you’ll be able to get gear from the lifeguards in exchange for a few dollars. The incredible Cienfuegos reef is just 200 meters from beach and is literally teeming with tropical fish and coral. Yes, Rancho Luna the nicest and most authentic beach you are likely to find either in Cienfuegos or pretty much anywhere else in Cuba. One of the early evening highlights are the local fishermen parading back and forth on the beach with their fresh catches of fish, lobster and squid. Rancho Luna Beach is idyllic, you’ll see.